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Titre du périodique Organ Historical Society Atlas
Sous-titre du périodique deest
Site de l'éditeur http://www.organsociety.org
Parution Annuel
Année 2013
Table des matières
Contents. IX
Foreword. XI
Preface. XIII
OHS Business. XX
Abbreviations. XXVI
A Timeline of the Pipe Organ in Vermont. XXVII

I. A Gallery of Vermont's Most Beautiful Pipe Organs. 1
II. Organbuilders in the Green Mountain State. 17

A. David Moore, Inc., North Pomfret. 18
William Nutting, Jr., Randolph Center and Bellows Falls. 21
Israel Newton, Norwich. 28
Lemuel Hedge, Windsor. 29
Robert McIndoe, West Newberry. 33
Harvey F. Parks, St. Johnsbury. 34
Ira Bassett, Barre. 36
Ernest Desmarais, St. Albans. 37
Edward H. Smith, Enosburg and Montgomery. 40
Other Organbuilders. 42
John Wessel, Brattleboro. 43
Russel & Co., Organ Builders, Cambridgeport. 45

III. The Organs of St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. 50
IV. Henry Erben, the « Prince of Organbuilders, » and his Organs in Vermont. 60
V. Samuel Brenton Whitney, Church Musician Composer, Organist, and Teacher. 70
VI. Jardine Organs in the Green Montain State. 80
VII. The Collegiate and University Organs of Vermont. 94
VIII. Vermont Organs by William B.D. Simmons and His Partnerships. 108
IX. The Organ of Randolph. 124
X. Vermont Organs by E. & G. G. Hook and their Successors. 136
XI. Ability, Skill and Strict Integrity : Johnson Organs in the Green Mountain Sate. 152
XII. Make No Small Plans : The Rise and Fall of the Estey Pipe Organ Department. 168
XIII. An Annotated Catalog of Know Pipe Organs in Vermont by E. A. Boadway. 189

Endnotes. 211
Sources. 231
General Index. 232
Advertising. 235

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