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Titre Bach and the Pedal Clavichord. An Organist's Guide
Auteur(s) Speerstra, Joel
Éditeur The University of Rochester Press
Année d'édition 2004
ISBN 1-58046-135-2
Site de l'éditeur http://www.urpress.com
Nombre de pages 210
Illustrations 6 photos NB, 2 documents, 27 schémas et tables, 52 exemples musicaux
Type d'ouvrage Livre
Langue de l'ouvrage GB
Date de réception au M'O 16/08/2006
Table des matières Lists of figures, Tables, and Music Examples. VIII
Acknowledgments. X
Foreword by Hans Davidsson. XI
Prelude to Part One: Sources Studies. 13

1. The Historical Pedal Clavichord. 17
2. J. S. Bach's Trio Sonatas: A Reception History of a Rumor. 32
3. Reconstructing the Gerstenberg Pedal Clavichord . 52
4. J. S. Bach and the Clavichord: A Reception History of a Technique. 69
Prelude to Part Two: Performance Practice Studies. 91
5. Performance Practice at the Pedal Clavichord. 95
6. Musica Poetica and Figural Notation. 114
7. J. S. Bach's Passacaglia in C Minor, BWV 582: A Case Study. 129
8. The Pedal Clavichord and the Organ in Dialogue. 149

Appendix: F. C. Griepenkerl's Preface to J. S. Bach's Chromatoc Fantasy and Fugue (1819). 161
Notes, Bibliography, index. 172
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