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Titre The Organ of The Coffee House, Everingham
Auteur(s) Whiteley, John Scott
Éditeur Black Tree Publishing
Année d'édition 2012
ISBN 978-0-9572954-0-7
Site de l'éditeur http://www.blacktreepublishing.co.uk
Nombre de pages 104
Illustrations 76 photos C, 14 schemas C
Type d'ouvrage Livre
Langue de l'ouvrage GB
Date de réception au M'O 23/04/2015
Table des matières List of illustrations. iii
Text figures and specifications. v
Acknowledgements. vi
Foreword by Paul Derrett. ix

Introduction. 1
I. Provenance - whence it came. 6
II. Progression of the tonal design. 17
III. Reconstruction. 28
IV. Foundation stops of the Great (I). 34
V. Foundation stops of the Swell (II). 41
VI. Foundation stops of the Positive (II). 45
VII. Foundation stops of the Pedal. 53
VIII. The Mixtures. 57
IX. The Reeds. 68
X. Ancillary deviees. 73
XI. Cymbelstern. 75
XII. Glockenspiel. 77
XIII. The Case. 78

I. Specification. 85
II. Summary of pipe redeployment. 86
III. Hardy organs. 87
IV. Organs by Paul Derrett. 92
V. Invidious comparisons? 94
VI. Facts and figures. 95
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